Soccer Profile is a series of age specific assessments consisting of multiple levels of difficulty, which combined with the power of the internet provides players and coaches of all ages, gender and ability an affordable opportunity to measure and support the long-term development of a player’s technical and physical ability. The platform has been endorsed by leading figures within the professional game such as, Brendan Rodgers (Leicester City FC, Manager), Ryan Maye (Head of Coach Development at Aston Villa FC), Pep Clotet (Brescia, Head Coach) to name a few.

The Idea behind Soccer Profile –

As part of our exclusive partnership, we have negotiated a discounted annual subscription fee of $10.00 (USD) per player with coaches having FREE access to a coach account for the duration of this period.

If you would like any further information on this platform. Please contact Soccer Profile’s Managing Director, Stuart Monk via email: quoting ‘Soccerex2021’

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