While although some of these mooted concessions where at least palatable, the overall selling of such an idea left a rather bitter taste in the mouth and after fraught and hasty discussions, “Project Big Picture” was quickly kicked into the long grass.

However, with such plans being shelved in no time at all, it still left a financial chasm that needed to be filled by the EFL and at the time of writing still does, which means for all the talk and bluster we are nowhere further down the line in terms of salvation.

That’s not to say that the Premier League have not been forthcoming with ideas of their own and with a statement declaring “that absolutely no club in the professional setup will go to the wall”, that does at least allow the chairman of each of the EFL’s member clubs to sleep a little easier.

Then again, none of those chairmen want to test that statement to its absolute limit and the preference for all involved, would be to finally get some form of bailout package signed off and sent out.

While the EFL are still eyeing up the £250m that was tantalisingly waved in front of them a few weeks ago, that is not quite the figure that the Premier League had in mind and it is this difference of opinion which has created a situation of deadlock.

A situation that as things stands, is of a difference of £170m and with the Premier League only designating £80m to a fighting fund, they themselves are suggesting there is not enough money to go around.

With that said, there has been a slight change of stance from Richard Masters and his colleagues, as where Championship clubs were excluded from any bailout package previously, they will now be accepted into the fold.

Then again, it will not be as simple as handing over a blank cheque, if anything far from it and with those who operate within England’s second tier only earmarked for loans rather than grants, they will still need to get their own houses in order eventually.

The message that has come from the Premier League is that there are “scarce resources” and because of this, there is still some work to be done on creating a bailout package that works for every team that competes within the EFL.

With that said, there is also work to be done regarding the broadcasting of additional Premier League fixtures (those that have not been selected by Sky or BT Sport as per their contractual obligations), as the controversial PPV scheme has been scrapped.

The £14.95 price point was one that created derision and outrage in equal measures and with boycotts ablaze on social media, not to mention Premier League managers and club owners voicing their displeasure, it comes as no surprise that this idea has been switched off for the foreseeable.

Is it a victory for common sense? Perhaps. Then again, it does not solve the problem regarding how supporters can access top flight fixtures until the end of the year and with a bustling festive period on the horizon, this is going to be another televisual headache for all involved.

Written by Dan Tracey

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