Changing a club crest can be a risky move in football. Inevitably making alternations to a core piece of a football clubs identity can cause strong reactions from the fanbase and there are countless examples of when clubs have got it wrong.

Inter Milan are a club that in recent history got it very right. In March of 2021 the club revealed their new club logo and IM Inter brand as part of their efforts to engage with young audiences on a global scale and extend the brand beyond football and into fashion and entertainment.

On this episode of the Footballco Business Podcast Alex Manby speaks to Luca Danovaro, Chief Marketing Officer at Inter Milan, about how the club went about their re-brand, navigating that relationship with the fans and what the future holds for one of the most iconic clubs in European football.

The Footballco Business Podcast is a show focused on the most innovative people working in the world of football media, brands and marketing. Each episode features some of the most creative minds in the sport, getting their views on the business behind the beautiful game – from partnerships and branding to esports and new platforms.

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