Ed Woodward signs as trustee for Bloomsbury Football

 The former CEO of Manchester United, Ed Woodward will support Bloomsbury Football’s work using the power of football to give young people in London the best chance of succeeding. The charity, founded in 2018, is engaging over 5,000 young people each week in the capital. 

[9 April 2024, London] – Today, former Manchester United CEO Ed Woodward announces that he will be joining the Board of Trustees for Bloomsbury Football. This charity, founded in 2018, engages over 5,000 young people each week, and is using the power of football to give young Londoners the best chance of succeeding in life. Woodward visited a Bloomsbury Football session last month and witnessed first-hand how the charity is working with young people from diverse backgrounds, improving their mental and physical health, teaching them life skills, and building stronger communities. 

Attracted by the charity’s rapid growth since their inception five years ago and the sheer scale of their impact, Woodward will support the charity to achieve the goals set in their 2023 – 2028 Strategy which aims to engage 20,000 young people by 2028. Woodward will bring his industry expertise to the Board, working alongside Charlie Hyman, Bloomsbury Football’s Founder & CEO, and Bloomsbury Football’s management team. 

On his involvement with Bloomsbury Football, Edward Woodward commented: “I am thrilled to be joining Bloomsbury Football Foundation as a Trustee. This is an exciting opportunity to join a charity that is already having a significant impact on the lives of young Londoners using the power of football.  

Since Bloomsbury Football was founded by its CEO Charlie Hyman in 2018, the rate of growth and scale of impact is impressive. Charlie is impact-led and ambitious, and he has built a team of passionate and driven individuals who believe in the power of sport and want to support young people. 

Visiting a Bloomsbury Football session recently reaffirmed my belief that football has the power to change lives. It is clear the support the charity is already receiving is making a real impact on the pitch. The session represented the diversity of London – the coaches were supportive, players were engaged, and they seemed to be enjoying every minute.”

Founder and CEO of Bloomsbury Football, Charlie Hyman added: Welcoming Ed to our Board of Trustees is a significant milestone in Bloomsbury Football’s growth so far. Ed understands the power of football on a global scale. As CEO of one of the biggest clubs in the world, he has worked with managers and players at the highest level. It is incredible that he will bring this experience to support Bloomsbury Football’s mission of improving the lives of young Londoners through the power of football”.

For further information on Bloomsbury Football, visit https://bloomsburyfootball.com.