With under one month to go, the momentum for Sport Integrity Week 2022 continues to grow, as the Sport Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA) announce another 20 high-profile speakers, reaching now a total of 100. 

The world’s leading thought leadership event on Sport Integrity takes place in Cascais, Portugal, 12-16 September – click here for all #SIW2022 announced participants – and will also be available worldwide through live streaming. 

After engaging leading organisations like the United Nations, OECD, European Commission, Portuguese Government, UEFA, FIA, LaLiga, Nascar, EBU, Mastercard, Microsoft, BSI, TATA Consultancy Services, among one hundred members and committed supporters, SIGA now extends #SIW2022 reach to Under Armour, Gamban, Inside World Football, the European Parliament, and Sky Sports. 

The new speakers SIGA is announcing are, in alphabetical order: 

  • Anastasia Divinskaya, Brazil Representative, UN Women 
  • Ashish Babu, Chief Marketing Officer, TATA CS Europe and UK 
  • Ashley Brown, Head of Governance, Crisis Club Support & Club Liaison, Football Supporters Association 
  • Francis Wong, Chief Experience Officer, WARC 
  • Frank Lee, Director, UK & Ireland, Product Certification, BSI 
  • Gabriela Geraldes Bastos, Project Manager, UN Women 
  • Joel Bouzou, President, Peace and Sport Foundation 
  • José Manuel Ribeiro, Journalist, Immediate Past Director, O Jogo 
  • Juan de Dios Crespo, CEO, RH&C Sports Lawyers | University Professor | Member, Executive Committee, AIAF 
  • Kevin Benedict, Partner, Futurist, TATA Consulting Services 
  • Lorin Hamlin, Head of Open Innovation Partnerships, Under Armour Inc. 
  • Matt Page, Managing Director, UK & Ireland, BSI 
  • Matt Zarb-Cousin, Co-Founder & Director of External Affairs, Gamban 
  • Murray Sayce, Global Head, Sustainability Assurance, BSI 
  • Paul Nicholson, Editor-in Chief & CEO, Inside World Football 
  • Pedro Duarte, Director, Corporate, External & Legal Affairs, Microsoft Corporation 
  • Pedro Nascimento Cabral, Mayor of Ponta Delgada 
  • Richard Ayers, Chairman, Seven League 
  • Thomasz Frankowski, Member of the European Parliament | Co-Chair of the European Parliament’s Sports Group 
  • Victoria Brennan, Global Head of New Solutions Development, Product & System Certification, BSI 
  • Yath Gangakumaran, Commercial Director, Sky Sports 

High-profile panel sessions, keynotes, fireside chats, expert driven forums and premium networking opportunities make the Sport Integrity Week a worldwide unique event regarding Sport Integrity, encouraging the industry to meet the required standards in terms of good governance, integrity, transparency, and accountability. 

Stay tuned for more important Speaker and Partner Announcements! 

To register at the early bird rate, click here. 

Interested in holding a digital session during SIW2022? 

Apply now to the Request For Proposal and showcase what you are doing to promote Sport Integrity. 

Does your organisation champion the values embodied by Sport? 

Is Integrity at the core of your business? 

Become an official partner of #SIW2022. 

Download the partnership deck and contact: katie.simmonds@siga-sport.com. 

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