Most recently he worked on FIFA’s talent development programme with Arsene Wenger and becomes the first off-field appointment of new Charlton owner, Thomas Sandgaard’s era.

His primary focus will be planning and implementing the club’s long-term footballing strategy with the initial aim of helping the club stabilise and ultimately getting the club back to the Premier League.

Charlton owner Sandgaard, said: “I am very excited we have been able to bring in someone of Ged’s pedigree. He has extensive experience within football and a wide network of contacts in the game. He knows how to get things done and in the right way.

“I’ve said from the start, I want to build this club for the future and my vision is for us to become a top Premier League club in the next decade. Ged, working with Lee Bowyer, Steve Gallen, Steve Avory and the rest of the team will be an important part of us getting to those next levels.”

Roddy, who was awarded an MBE in 2000 for his contribution to sport in the UK, added: “Charlton Athletic is a great football club with a proud history and tradition and, of course, it has an incredible fanbase and, because of that, it has unbelievable potential. I know the club was very close to the brink before Thomas came in and now we have a real opportunity to do something hugely positive.

“We have to put the foundations in place to stabilise the club and give us something to build on. The long-term view is ambitious and that is exciting but we’ll need to walk before we can run. We’ll have to be clever in the way we do business and invest in the development of the club.

“We have a good structure already in place, with some very talented people working at the club, and with a little bit of support, there is no reason why, over time, we can’t achieve everything the owner, the staff and the fans dream of. I am humbled to be joining this great club and can’t wait to get started.”

Originally published on: fcbusiness.

Image credit to CAFC.

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