For the sixth year in a row, the club leads the way in likes, comments and shares, with a combined total of 1.6 billion, according to Blinkfire data. In these six years, FC Barcelona has also achieved over 1 billion engagements year on year.

On most platforms, Liverpool (1.485 billion engagements) and Manchester United (1.455) have been Barça’s strongest competitors. That includes Instagram, where FC Barcelona has again generated its greatest number of engagements, 1.282 billion. Its rapid adaptation to new types of content, such the Reels that were launched in 2020, have helped consolidate this leadership, with their short-format videos of relevance to users.

FC Barcelona have also seen spectacular growth on TikTok, which has been added to this analysis for the first time. The club is number one for followers on this platform (6.6 million), and also leads for engagement, with 45 million, ahead of Liverpool (35) and Bayern Munich (29).

This success has also been reflected on Douyin, the Chinese version of the platform. This year Barcelona was recognised as The Most Popular Football Club 2020 for its 3.1 million followers and 74 million engagements since launching its official account in January 2019.

On Twitter, only Barcelona has more than 100 million engagements, (108 million, to be precise) and remains the undisputed leader. With an increase of 10.2% on 2019, the club’s different accounts on this platform are above Liverpool (87 million) and Manchester United (82).

In 2020, Barça became the only club to have more than 10 million YouTube subscribers, the achievement earning it the Diamond Creator Award. This fan loyalty is also reflected in views of videos on the FC Barcelona channel, which amounted to 230 million in 2020, beating Liverpool (228) and Flamengo (225).

Twitch has also been one of the Barcelona’s the fastest growing platforms. The club opened its account in December 2020, but managed to attract 467,000 views in the first month.

Apart from engagement data, there has also been growth in terms of followers. In the last 12 months, 30 million new fans have started following Barcelona’s different accounts on social networks, for an overall total of over 380 million.

Originally published on fcbusiness.

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